Friday, November 30, 2007

Game Plan

Thursday I met with my counselor, got my double port flushed and got all of my blood drawn for the battery of tests needed before each chemo infusion. Today I get a bone scan to see if any of the cancer has metastisized to my bones and Monday I start a new cycle of chemo, with a new chemo cocktail (carboplaten/taxol), this time geared towards ovarian cancer, instead of gastro-intestinal/colon cancer (folfox/5FU/oxciliplaten/avastin). Different cocktail, different side effects. I'm not sure how it will effect me personally until I try it, but the common side effects are flu like symptoms for 5-7 days, naropathy (numbness in hands/feet), nausea, muscle/joint aches and hairloss. Usually, within 14 days of the first infusion of the chemo cocktail, the patient loses all of their hair. We're talking eyelashes, eyebrows, the works. I guess we will really see if bald is beautiful and if beauty really is skin deep or not. I've scheduled an appt. to get fitted for a wig next Friday. They will make a wig that looks like my normal hairstyle now and will fit me properly. I can think of a better way to spend $300, but I think this will make the transition easier for myself, family, friends, and especially my kids. The infusion will take 6+ hours and I will go in every 3rd week for 6 months starting Monday. That puts me at May for a chemo break if all goes well. I'm going to try and keep working part time while undergoing this chemo. I figure I'll be down for a week (the week of chemo), work for 2 weeks and then start the process all over again. But I won't really know until I get started and try it and see how it affects me in terms of energy etc. This is really bad timing with the holidays and school and activities. Everyone is so busy this time of year. So much is going on. Hopefully I won't miss much. I'm going to try some alternative things while going through this as well. Hopefully the combination of things will work in my favor and I can put off chemo longer next time. I'll keep everyone posted as I'm able.


froggygirl said...

Shauna, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Helen

threekidsnme said...

Lots of prayers for you and your family. You are still a very strong woman and I know the hero in you will come out and beat this nasty cancer again...I wish I was close enough to give you a HUGE HUG!!!!!!

Paris said...

Here we go again, eh? I'll be here every step, my friend. I just know everything will be okay... deep in my heart I just know.
